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Always in my Heart Missing You October 13, 2010

Rebecca I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU October 11, 2010

Always in my Heart Remembering Good Memories October 6, 2010

Remembering Good Memories

Flashbacks and reruns of disturbing memories can be exhausting. For those in grief, the memories can hit you unexpectedly. Time will fade the bad memories, but be sure to make a conscious effort to remember the good.

Reminisce good memories about your loved one with someone else. You may want to write down those memories. Above all, enjoy the good memories and gain strength from them.

"You were wearied by all your ways, but you would not say, 'It is hopeless.' You found renewal of your strength, and so you did not faint" (Isaiah 57:10).

Lord, renew my strength and refresh my mind with peaceful, happy memories. Amen.

Rebecca For Danny October 5, 2010

Las cosas mas preciadas de la vida, no se pueden construir con la mano, ni se pueden comprar con dinero. Son las que nos da Dios....


Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Happy Fall! October 5, 2010

Always in my Heart Son's Week October 4, 2010
Your son will hold your hand for a little while, but he will hold your heart for a lifetime. It's "Son's Week". If you have a son that holds the key to your heart, whose smile can light up your day, and who makes your life better just because he's in it. Love you forever, my son.
Rebecca PRAYING October 1, 2010

Always in my Heart To Remember Me September 29, 2010



To Remember Me--A Poem by Robert N. Test, American Post


Give my sight to the man who has never seen a sunrise, a baby's face, or love in the eyes of a woman.


Give my heart to a person whose own heart has caused nothing but endless days of pain.


Give my blood to the teenager who was pulled from the wreckage of his car, so that he might live to see his grandchildren play.


Give my kidneys to one who depends on a machine to exist from week to week.


Take my bones, every muscle, every fiber and nerve in my body and find a way to make a crippled child walk.


If you must bury something, let it be my faults, my weaknesses, and all prejudice against my fellow man.


Give my sins to the devil.

Give my soul to God.


If, by chance, you wish to remember me, do it with a kinddeed      or word to someone who needs you. If you do all I have asked, I will live forever.



Always in my Heart Feast of Saints September 29, 2010

Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael

It is on the day of the dedication of a basilica in honor of Saint Michael in the northeastern part of Rome, during the fifth century, that we celebrate the feast of the Holy Angels. "Their splendor show s us your greatness, which surpasses in goodness the whole of creation".

Our Father...

O God, in your great wisdom you have given to your angels and to your people each their proper tasks. Grant us their protection, who serve ever in your presence, through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever Amen.

Always in my Heart Joy comes in the Morning September 27, 2010

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning" (Psalm 30:5 NKJV).

God's promises in the Bible are for you. Choose to embrace them and live them out in faith. In Psalm 30:5.

Every morning I'll say, 'Lord, what day is my joy coming? What day is my joy coming?'

Lord, I believe Your promises. May my actions be a reflection of my beliefs. Amen.

Aunt Anabel God's Hand September 23, 2010
Always in my Heart To Our Family & Friends September 23, 2010

To Our Family & Friends

We are not so far from you,
Just a little way beyond;
Past the cares and past the pain,
Far past our earthly bonds.
When you feel you miss us most,
As years go drifting by;
Each memory will prove to you,
That our love will never die.
For memories are but a touch,
From the Father's gentle hand;
To heal your pain and mend your hearts,
To help you understand...
That while we left you far too soon,
We did not leave alone;
For the Father sent His angels,
To gently take us home.
Take comfort when you think of us,
Keep our love alive in your heart;
And with the warmth of each memory,
We will never be apart.

Allison Chambers Coxsey

Arturo Jr. Another day Danny September 23, 2010
Primo, tomorrow will be a new day and a new reminder of how much love and happiness you brought to us all.  We will never say bye as I know that we all have an angel looking upon us - bring us all a heart that will never be the same, changing our lives and ensuring that we get closer to God. I went to Mass in San Diego and the homily was very timely - we need to get closer to God - your loss on Earth was indeed a life changing moment - a wake up call - but one that has been brought us closer together, to you, and to the Lord Almighty.  Stay with us.
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Blessings! September 21, 2010

Rebecca For Danny September 21, 2010

Forever in my Heart I Thought of You Today September 20, 2010

I Thought of You Today

I thought of you today,

but that is nothing new,

I thought about you yesterday,

and the days before them too,

I think of you in silence,

I often speak your name,

now all I have is memories,

and your picture in a frame,

Your memory is my tresure,

with which I'll never part,

I know you're up there in heaven,

but you're down in my heart.

Always in my Heart Powerful Prayer September 18, 2010

Powerful Prayer

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints" (Ephesians 6:18).

So many times I don't trust in You, Lord. So many times I "logically" conclude that I might as well despair because my prayer could not possibly be answered. Forgive me. Your Spirit is life to those who believe. Amen.

Pray for absolutely everything, ranging from small to large. Include everything as you embrace this God-life, and you'll get God's everything

♥ ♥ ♥

Always in my Heart A Light for Living September 17, 2010


A Light for Living

           The Psalmist said, "Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a  light for my path" (Psalm 119:105).  The Bible is God's book of light.  It sheds light on our origin, duty and destiny.  It tells us from whence we come, how to live, and where we  are going.  It tells us how to live with ourselves, with our fellow men, and with God.  It is a foundation for our feet, a map for our eyes, a sword for our hands, food for our souls, and a healing balm for our hearts.

The secrets of successful living are unfolded in its pages.  The light in human books had its origin in one great book, the Bible. It is the lamp from which all other lights receive their rays. There is a divinity about it tht makes it shine among books like thediamond glistens among stones.  It is the Heavenly Father's gracious book of counsel and consolation to His children her on earth.

The undeveloped powers of the soul and the yearnings of the human heart demand a divine revelation which furnishes to us the help and strength of a Higher Power. If God exists - and He does - it is intelligent to assume that He would communicate with us, His needy offspring, in  some definite and concrete manner - hence, the Bible.

Flowers That Never Fade by:

Leroy Brownlow

MOM Sweet Memories September 13, 2010

Sweet Memories

"I thank my God every time I remember you."

- Philippians  1:3

Some of the blessings that make life

so sweet are the special people who share

my good times and brighten my days. It is

often these people who cheer me on when

my own enthusiasm seems to wane.

It is to these people - the ones who give

comfort and support, often without being

asked - that I express my heartfelt thanks.

I love them and appreciate all they have

done to make my life happier and more


The sweet memories of these individuals

will continue to bless me. Whether they are

still an active part of my life or they have gone

on to continue their individual journeys, they

hold a special place in my heart. I remember

our times together, and I include these

loved one in my prayers.

Remembering my loved ones

in prayer, I send them a


Always in my Heart ♥ ♥ ♥ Jesus Knocking at the Door September 13, 2010



Jesus knocked...

Danny answered...



Jesus Christ knocking the door and shine lighting around him hq(hd) free Christian religious wallpaper

Always in my Heart O Gracious Mary September 12, 2010
Click Here to Enlarge

Hail to the Queen who reigns above,
Mother of clemency and love,
Hail, thou, our hope, life, sweetness;
Eve's banished children cry to thee

We from this wretched vale of tears
Send sighs and groans unto thy ears;
O, then, sweet Advocate, bestow.
A pitying look on us below.

After this our exile, let us see
Our blessed Jesus, born of thee.
O merciful, O pious Maid,
O gracious Mary, lend thine aid.

Roman Breviary, Final Antiphon of the Blessed Virgin after Pentecost,
(Attr. to Hermann Contractus, 1013-1054)

Image © Holy Card Heavenused by permission
Rebecca Prayer for Danny September 10, 2010




Soul of Christ, sanctify me.

Body of Christ, save me.

Blood of Christ, inebriate me.

Water from the side of Christ,

wash me.

Passion of Christ, strengthen me.

O good Jesus, hear me.

Within your wounds hide me.

Suffer me not to be separated

from You.

From the malignant enemy

defend me.

In the hour of my death, call me.

And bid me come to You.

That, with your Saints,

I may praise You.

Forever and ever.


Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Thank You September 6, 2010


Susie, thanks you so much for remembering Patrick's birthday & for the balloon graphic.  Your love, support & especially your prayers mean more than I can say.  I like to think that Danny, Patrick & all of their Angel friends had a wonderful party in Heaven yesterday. God Bless you & your family! 

Kiti miss u September 4, 2010

Kiti Miss u September 3, 2010

doves flying to light

Forever in my heart!!! Loving & Missing You, My Son September 3, 2010

God's Gift of


From the morning of birth until the night of death, life is a

journey. The days of this pilgrimage are a gift from the Lord.

Some will be happy and some will be sad.  May the example of

the Passion of Jesus serve as a reminder that each of our days

should be held as a treasured gift from our Creator.

Every morning Jesus speaks to us and says,

"Peace be with you. The peace I give is a deeper

peace than that which the world can ever give.

So I say, never be worried, upset, or afraid.

May my peace be with you always."

Prayer for

Help in Difficult Times

Lord, life's trials sometimes feel as though they are

more than I can possibly bear.  On those days when I feel

completely over-burdened and overwhelmed, give me

that added strenght I need to get through the day with

courage and honor. When I feel as though I am at wit's

end, find a way  to reassure me so I am able to endure

for another day. When loved ones die and crushing trials

come my way, show me how ot carry on. Send someone to

help lighten my heavy burden. When others take advantage

of me, whisper some words of encouragement into my ear so

I know You are at my side and that I do have the will and

power to overcome the most impossible of trials. Lord, please assure me that I will never be given a burden that I can carry. Amen.

Rebecca Serenity Prayer September 2, 2010


God Grant me the serenity to accept

the things I cannot change,

courage to change the things I can,

and wisdom to know the difference.

Rebecca To Danny With Lots of Love August 29, 2010

Mom~Danny~ILU "To Our Lady" August 29, 2010

"To Our Lady"

Lovely Lady dressed in Blue,

Teach me how to pray!

God was just your little boy,

Tell me what to say!

Did you lift Him up sometimes,

Gently, on your knee?

Did you sing to Him the way

Mother does to me?

Did you hold His hand at night?

Did you ever try

Telling stories of the world?

O! and did He cry?

Do you really think He cares

If I tell Him things,

Little things that happen?

And do the Angels wings

Make a noise? And can He Hear

Me if I speak low?

Does he understand me now?

Tell me, for you know

Lovely lady dressed in ble,

Teach me how to pray!

God was just your little Boy,

And you know the way.

Mom Mother Mary August 28, 2010
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