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MOM The Miracle Prayer March 16, 2010

Lord Jesus, I come before You just as I am.  I am sorry for

all my sins. I repent of my sins; please forgive me. In your

name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me.

I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works.  I give

You my entire self, Lord Jesus, now and forever. I invite You

into my life,  Jesus.  I accept You as my  Lord, God and Saviour.

Heal me, change me,  strenthen me in body, soul and spirit.

Come, Lord Jesus, cover me with Your  Precious  Blood and fill

me with Your Holy Spirit.  I Love You, Lord Jesus. I praise You,

Jesus.  I thank You,  Jesus,I shall follow You every day of my

life, Amen.

Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Thinking of You! March 14, 2010

MOM MY DANNY March 13, 2010

My Danny had a heart of gold. Always thinking of someone else.

Always wanting to help others  if  he could.

I'll  always Love You, Danny

even more each day.

Someday we will see each other again.

MOM DANNY March 12, 2010

Today was a very important day for us. We took our first step for our justice. You should very proud of your Becky and your sister. We were there for you Mi Hijo.

It was very,very hard for me to go. Becky is our rock.  She is the one who gives us courage.  Your dreams were cut short. That is what hurts me the most.

DANNY, we miss you so much...

We love you so much .....

Just taking one day at a time. I don't think about tomorrow anymore.

Why?  Why?  Why?


Arturo primo.... March 2, 2010

Primo, the loss you have beared on us has been too much for us who knew you best.  I stand here coming down to Zapata over and over hoping that one day, I will truly smile without grief, with comfort and with the family that loves you and misses you very much.  For reasons that are too undescribable, I find peace and love in being with your Mother, sisters, and daughters.  I miss you so much and God grant the forgiveness for not seeing you as much as I could have during the last days before you went to the Lord. I will hold our special memories together;  at times I cry and at others, I laugh and only you and I know what we're talking about.  Look over us as we continue this journey in life; I know that you are with us as you bring us closer together with the love the Lord has given us as we seek each other's comfort through grief and loss.  Te extano mucho. Tu primo hermano por vida, Arturo, Jr.
MOM LET ME GRIEVE February 23, 2010

Lord, God, my feelings confuse and somewhat embarrass me. Thank You for granting me endurace and please continue to guide me on my journey through grief.

Lord I ask that you take care of my family that is suffering right now, give us strength and courage to go on. For my children, that they continue to be strong in their faith. That God guide them on their journey  through life with good health and strong minds to be successfull in what they want.

Rebecca For Daniel Perez Jr February 22, 2010

O most merciful and mighty God, your Son Jesus Christ was born of the Blessed Virgin Mary to bring us salvation and to establish your Commonwealth on earth: Grant that Michael and all your angels may defend your people against every evil, and that at the last we may come to that heaven-sent country where your saints for ever sing your praise; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Rebecca For Daniel Perez Jr February 22, 2010

For the redemption of the souls of victims, for those who commit themselves to the forgiveness of sins, Lord, hear our prayer.

O God:
You bring hope out of emptiness energy out of fear new life out of grief and loss.
As Mary returned to mourn yet found unspeakable joy, so comfort all who have lost a loved one through deliberate acts of hate and violence.

Fill the hearts of all with the fire of your love and the desire to ensure justice for Daniel Perez Jr. By sharing the good things you give us, may we secure justice and equality for every human being, and a human society built on love and peace, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.


O LORD, here my plea for justice. Listen to my cry for help. Pay attention to my prayer, for it comes from an honest heart. Amen.

MOM MY LORD February 19, 2010

Lord, I cannot imagine any grief more consuming than this. O God, my child. I am weary and numb. It is hard for me to realize that this loss is real and that it is permanent. I feel guilty that, as a mother, it is so hard to release my child to You, the Father. But Lord, it is almost more than I can bear.

Lord, bring comort. Send Your Holy Spirit in a way I've never experienced before. I need You right beside me. I need t cry on Your shoulder. I need to know that You know. You really know.

Lord, give wisdom to those around me who want to help, but feel so inadaquate. Equip them to minister to me in ways that will help all of us. But more than that, be my deepest friend. Bring me through these devastating days. Give me grace through all my grief. Help me now to survive, and when it's time, to arise stronger and more compassionate. Remind me that my child is safe with You. And so am I.

MOM MY SON February 17, 2010
My son, now more than ever, we need you. Help us and guide us. We need to be whole again. We are unable to cope with so many decisions. We are falling apart.Without you, I'm unable to think or make any right choices-decisions. Please...guide Kiti and Rene. You know how much Renito Loves you. Stay close to us and guide us. We Love You, Danny.........
Rebecca Praying for the Family February 17, 2010

Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury,pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen
MOM WHY ????? February 11, 2010
Sunday was your birthday. We all remembered. We had a wonderful day.  But I came home wondering, crying, asking why? I don't understand.  All I know is that I Love You very much. I want  you  back. I want everything to back to the way we were. I don't know what to do....I don't know how to go on. I miss you  so much.
kiti Missing You February 8, 2010
Rebecca To Danny February 8, 2010

Dearest Danny,

Words cannot express our love for you.
That  sort of emotions is known only to
those who have loved another more than themselves.
You brought meaning to our lives.
You may be gone, but the best part of us has gone with you.
We will see you again in time and be made whole again.
I shall see you again and your heart shall rejoice..

We Love You Daniel... God Bless You, May you Rest In Peace
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Happy Birthday February 6, 2010

valentines day myspace orkut comments

mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Happy B day in Heaven February 6, 2010




Rebecca, Abigail & Alexandria To Our Loving Father January 26, 2010

In Loving Memory of Our Father

Our Loving Father left home today to be with The Lord
Although his journey here has ended he will always be adored
His destination is a place far greater than we know
But within our hearts Our Daddy will always glow
With all his hugs and kisses he left eternal Love behind
For this we Love him dearly, in Daddy we take pride
Everything Our Father taught us will live on forever
And in remembrance of his life we will embrace this together
We sincerely miss Our Father now that we're apart
But cherish the beautiful memories he filled inside our hearts
We shall meet again someday to discover a great reward
Where we will be welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven
And find everlasting peace together with The Lord.


Mom My Son January 24, 2010

Making the decision to have a child is momentous.  It is to decide forever to have you heart walking around outside your body.

The dead cannot cry out for justice;

it is a duty of the living to do so for them.

Mom Missing You January 24, 2010

We will miss you forever!!!!  The memories are what keeps us going !!!

You will live forever in memories and hearts.

MOM A BEREAVED MOTHER January 15, 2010

Mary, what can I say now that my son is gone? Mother of Sorrows, to you I turn for help and comfort. I have lost my only son, just as you lost your son Jesus when you stood beneath the cross and saw him die for our sins. You suffered so much, Mary, and you must know what I am suffering. I do not understand why God has allowed this sorrow to come into my life; yet I know that he is my loving father and that he is all good.  I must be patient and trustful. Heavenly Mother, pray that I may have strength. What are those words, so gentle and consoling, I seem to hear you say? Yes, my child is happy in heaven, or will soon be in heaven. Some day we are going to meet again where there will be no more saddness, no more parting. Until then I will look to you holding your devine Son in your arms and I Know you will help me to understand and bear my sorrow.

                  My Mother, my  Trust !!!

Mom My Only Son January 11, 2010
Danny, We hurt so much. I never thought this kind of pain ever existed. I cannot understand why you had to go. We need you. There's so many questions but no answers. I just pray to God to give strength to keep on going for the next day. That following day comes and its worst. The girls want answers and so do I. But I pray again and that gives strengh for a couple of days. I want to be strong for the girls. Instead I'm the weak. Don't know what to do or say anymore.  I can't think like I used to before. I feel like I 'm already dead. I feel like I.m out of my head. I think I need help. I need to be ready for you. (Feb 4) I want to look at them straight in the eye and ask them WHY? who do they think they are? Like I said too many questions and I don't get answers. Hurts too much. Love you very much. still watch the window to see if you are coming home. Wishing it was you standing in the front door. Just coming in from Laredo. You asking me what's for lunch? I miss you mi hijo so much.
Rebecca Justice January 9, 2010
st michael
For Daniel Perez Jr who has fallen victim to hatred and inhumanity, for those loved ones who are left behind to mourn, for the souls of those whose hearts are cold, Lord, hear our prayer.

Almighty God, you have given all peoples one common origin, and your will is to gather them as one family in yourself. Fill the hearts of all with the fire of your love and the desire to ensure justice for Daniel Perez Jr. By sharing the good things you give us, may we secure justice and equality for every human being, and a human society built on love and peace, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

O LORD, here my plea for justice. Listen to my cry for help. Pay attention to my prayer, for it comes from an honest heart. Amen.
Rebecca For Daniel Perez Jr January 3, 2010
Prayer of St Francis de Sales

O God, you are my God,
in you I will hope!
You will be my help and my refuge.
I shall not fear,
for not only are you with me
but you are in me and I in you.


Prayer of St Thomas Aquinas

Grant me, O Lord my God,
a mind to know you,
a heart to seek you,
wisdom to find you,
conduct pleasing to you,
faithful perseverance in waiting for you
and a hope of finally embracing you.

Abigail Remember? December 31, 2009

Remember when we used to talk on the phone twice a day or sometimes more, Dad? I do and I hope I never ever forget. We could talk on the phone ALL NIGHT untill you would tell me "Its late". I miss that Dad.... and I miss you. I love you...

I will NEVER forget the memories, the phone calls, and you. I hope you remember like the way i do.







MOM MY BABY December 24, 2009

Here's wishing the best MERRY CHRISTMAS ever . You won't be with us here, but in our heart, always.   Wish I could talk to you. Hear your voice for one last time. Wish I could feel your hugs and kisses for one last time. Oh! Danny if you only knew how much we hurt. But I know you are happy and peaceful. I know you are together with Gods Angels and with the best friends ever. Look for Grandpa and Grandma. I'm sure they are glad to have you with them. Remember the game Grandma Felipa would play with you after school. She would hide a candy bar everyday somewhere around the house and you would have to find it. You would look for it in the kitchen drawers. You would find it and call me at work and tell me where she had hidden it. You would say "I found it"  "I found it". Those are the memories I cherish everyday.

 We were at the "Ranchito" yesterday. Mom was remembering when you all used to hide and play all over the ranch. You would play ball and run back and forth, all the way to back, till you would reach the back fench. then play races coming back. Arturito went all the way to back yesterday, just to remember where you all would hide and run back. I didn't have the courage to go all the way back. I just waited for him to get back. He wants to come to our ranch so he can see some pictures of us.

Danny, I LOVE YOU and MISS YOU very much. Always watch over us and guide us. Be with us day and night. Watch over Abby and Alexa. Becky still comes and goes to Laredo everyday, Watch over her till she gets home to Alexa. Guide Kiti and Rene. Watch over Dora and her family. Stay with us mi hijo. Can't wait to be with you and join you in heaven.


Abigail This Feels Like..... December 22, 2009

This Feels Like I have ankle (ball)chains around my ankles like if im in a horrible world when i dont think of you. When I do think of you, look at your pictures or go through my scrapbook i break down. Sometimes I  dont even move when i think of you i just dont know why but i just do.



Mom God's Birthday Party December 22, 2009
We will always remember the good times we, as a family had together. You will always be in hearts. We miss you and hope you can guide us to the serenity you are now having. We will always be there for your girls. Protect us as you always did when you were with us. Be with us wherever to go. I miss you so much, my son. You will NEVER be forgotten. I can only wait for us to be together. Wishing you were with us during the holidays. They are not here yet, but, I wish they were already gone. Don't know how we'll be without you. Wishing you happiest B-Day party with our Lord. Hope you celebrate the 25th like you never have before. Look down on us and protect us. I miss you so much. I Love you, my son.
Rebecca To Abigail December 22, 2009

My Dearest Abigail,

I understand what you are feeling My Love and it is reasonable why you feel such agony, but please don't ever think you are alone. You are a very beautiful and intelligent young lady and I know that Daddy will be your strength, courage, hope, faith, and love in all things  in your life. I pray to the Lord to give you and your sister peace of mind to accept this and cope with this the best way you can. It breaks my heart to hear such expressions of hurt and pain coming from you. Remember WHEN YOU ARE TIRED OF LOOKING BACK AND SCARED TO LOOK FORWARD, YOU CAN LOOK BESIDE YOU AND I WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU. Have peace knowing you were a great daughter to your father and always showered him with a lot of love. He took great pride in you and your sister. With time I know God will coat your heart and mind with the serenity you seek. I understand that the holidays will be hard for you, but remember we will always be here to help you get through this.  When you feel alone pray to your Guardian Angel (Daddy) and he will guide you. I pray that you and your sister embrace the memory of your father and allow him to live through your hearts. I love you girls very much...


Abigail Why... December 21, 2009


 Why you of all people?

Many people are with their family, with their mothers, their fathers. And I feel like I have noboby to lean on, when i have everybody here with me. Four more days 'till Christmas and this is the worst of all Christmases for me, it will always be. This pain will go on forever, it will never go away ,ever, like people think or say it does. I have noticed that it gets worse and worse rather than healing and healing. All I want for Christmas is you, beside me, to hug and hold me. Wouldnt that be a miracle? It would be. I can go on and on draining my feelings on this website, but what for if i can talk to you like if we were having a regular conversation like we used to, like we would? I love and miss you so much. Words, sayings, qoutes help, but not like I thought they would. Right now nothing really helps at all, just my family. I used to tihnk someone would die, people would cry for a while and then poof the pain would disappear. I was so wrong, totally wrong, horribly wrong! What to say next huh?

I love you,


Mom My Son December 17, 2009
It's been so hard. These days are so long and sad. I miss you and Love you very much. I see Abby & Alexa and wonder how they go on. I know you tried, till the end,  to see Abby, but couldn't, for whatever reason. She misses you so. She understands a little bit, but the baby dosen't. I just thing this is a dream. I'm still waiting for you to walk in and tell me what I did wrong this time. Or just joking around telling me what you have do today.  You are the world to me, Danny. You were my reason to get up in the mornings. Now, I just wake up confused or just asking  WHY!!! WHY!!! WHY!!!   Only through prayers do I get peace. Asking God to give strenth to keep on, at least for one more day. Just one more day, God. Help me and my family, and most of all ,my two beautiful little girls. Keep them safe and guard them day and night. Watch over them Danny. They need you the most.
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