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Tomas Gonzalez Thinking Of You May 25, 2010
Ay Daniel, where to begin...Its weird how you've been on my mind and in my dreams alot and I remember Lisa giving me a little prayer from your Rosary which I use every night to pray with...I was not able to attend because I got myself into some trouble with my EX as you already know for I have turned to you for guidance and help...I was thinking of our days when we lived in SA with Lara and Lisa, que desmadre Dan...lol  GOODTIMES!!!  We had the BEST TIMES FRIEND!!!  El NOVA had is all over SA, aunque we had to drive it several times in reverse because it wouldnt drive forward...lol  Remember when they took your truck and they found it on pinche blocks...We had just gone shopping and left everything inside, poe flojos!!!  Did that bring us down? NO, we went in the NOVA downtown to eat at Mi Tierra...That was your FAVORITE!!!  Oh, but it wasnt all fun and games Dan, te acuerdas when we didnt have anything to eat at the house, puro pinche papas de carton y botes de elote!!!!....Jajaja  I could go on and on, about our stories, but I need to get back to work....lol  Ay a pa, you were so good to us and I had the BEST TIMES with you!!!!!  I know that your in a better place than us and I can only imagine what your loved ones and family went through, but were lucky to have you as our angel...I have talked to you and more than one occassion and I've felt your presence several time...Please continue to watch over us and always protect us and never stray from us!!!  Tu amigo siempre Tomas
Mom My Son~DANNY May 25, 2010






"[Love] bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails" (1 Corinthians 13:7, 8 nasb).

Lord, when I don't know what to say and my friends don't know what to say, let us all just rest in Your love. Teach us to love one another. Amen.



I Love You

Rebecca To My Love May 25, 2010
Sending My Love To You in Heaven. God Bless You Dan, We miss you so much...

I Know you are with the Lord and therefore you are with me for God lives in my heart and soul....
kiti Miss you May 24, 2010
Kiti Miss You May 24, 2010
Mom Danny May 24, 2010




If a person is a believer in Jesus Christ, nothing can separate him or her from the love of God.
If you have lost a loved one, do not weary yourself with the burden of wondering if he or she is in heaven. God alone knows the hearts of people, and He is a just and merciful God.

Take the time now to get your heart right with the Lord. Surrender your life to the healing Christ; and obey what is written in His Word. Know for certain that as a believer you will live in His presence forever in heaven.
"For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day" (John 6:40).

Savior Jesus, I give my life to You and seek to please You all of my days. You are my hope and my life. Amen.

Mom Danny May 23, 2010



Holding On to Hope offers an uplifting perspective for those experiencing monumental loss plus anyone going through difficulty times...

This shouldn't of happened. You had a good heart. You would help anyone if you could. I know you.  I saw it more than once. I know in my heart that you are safe and in a better place. We will continue to love you and miss you!!  We will continue to go on, waitng for the time to see you again... one day....it will come...


Mom Alexandrias First Birthday without her Daddy May 22, 2010


My Dearest Baby Alexandria

       Today will be your first B-Day will without your Daddy. It'll be a special day for you. We'll have balloons and send them with lots of messages and lots of kisses.

They will fly away, just like before. And I know he'll get them, cause they will fly straight to heaven, especially  yours.  I know he is watching over his favorite girls.

Grandma wishes you  a day filled with sunshine and surprises. My love for you is very special,  you are his baby girl. By now, he would of been calling everyone of us. We'd probably all go to his house and he would BBQ.

Especially your favorite ribs, just for you. We'll have a great day. He'll be watching all of us from heaven.



Mom Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Pray for Us May 21, 2010


"Immaculate Heart of Mary

Pray for Us"


     St. Alphonsus says: "Just as men take pride in having others wear their livery, so the Most Holy Mary is plased when Her servants wear Her Scapular as a mark that they have dedicated themselves to Her service, and are members of the "Family of the Motherof God".

       True Devotion to Mary



      Without saying to Mary that we venerate Her, love Her and trust Her, we tell Her these things every moment of the day by simply wearing the Scapular.

The Scapular then is a Prayer!

       Our Lord taught us to say the "Our Father," Mary taught us the value of the Scapular. When we use it as a prayer, Our Lady draws us to the Scared Heart of her Devine Son. It is well, therefore,  to hold the Scapular in the hand while  addressing Our Lady.

Because you love Mary's Scapular,


       Pope Benedic XV and other church fathers have recommended wearing the Brown Scapuar.  This Devotion and Garment can be traced back to The Old Testament, to the great prophet Elias and the remaining faithful living in the caves of Mount Carmel and is recommended to sincere people of all faiths.


        Attach then, great importance to your brown Scapular, it is an assurance to your salvation, just as to reject Mary's grace is to invite perdition.

         "O Queen, who art the beauty of Carmel and the mediatrix of all graces, pray for us" (prayer from the Raccolta-may be said on your Rosary Beads)


         "The Lamb of God Who takest away th sins of the world" is symbolzed in he wool brown Scapular and is thus preferable to the medal. Spreaddevotio to the brown Scapular. Protect your Scapular picture with scotch tape.



God Bless!!

Rebecca Missing You May 21, 2010

 We are missing you a little more each

time we hear your name,

We’ve cried so many tears,

yet our heart’s broken just the same.

We miss our times together,

things in common we could share,

But nothing fills the emptiness

now you’re no longer there.

We’ve so many precious memories

to last our whole life through

Each one of them reminders of

how much we are missing you….

Rebecca For Daniel May 21, 2010

They say there is a reason.

They say that time will heal.

But neither time nor reason

Will change the way I feel.

For no one knows the heartache

That lies behind my smiles.

No one knows how many times

I have broken down and cried.

I want to tell you something

So there won't be any doubt.

You're so wonderful to think of,

but so hard to be without.

Rebecca My Dearest Danny May 21, 2010

Come to me in my dreams, and then

By day I shall be well again!
For then the night will more than pay
The hopeless longing of the day.
Mom Danny May 19, 2010


When I'm lonely and afraid

you whisper, "Child, fear not."

When I simply can't go on

you say, "Take one more shot."

When nothing seems to

go my way you tell me,

"Trust....you'll see!"

Like an angel on  my shoulder,

you're always 

there for me. 

Mom Danny May 19, 2010

Even when you're grown,

adult and mature,

in the eyes of a mother you

are her child still.

Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Always with You May 16, 2010


 Our Lady, Our Mother

Pray for our children.

Our Queen and our Mother, We give our children entirely to thee. Therefore, good Mother, as they are thine, keep them, guard them, as thy property and possession.

Mom Heavenly Jesus May 14, 2010

Heavenly Jesus, bring me words of true comfort today. Thank you that my baby is alive and well with You. Amen.


You are in my heart every minute of

the day and night. Still missing you and

loving you more each day.

Stay close to us guide

us and protect us.

Guide your girls visit with

them in their dreams.

I Love You...

Mom Song by Celine Dione & Josh Groban May 12, 2010

The Prayer

I pray you'll be our eyes, watch us where we go,

help us to be wise in times when we don't know

Let this be our prayer, when we lose  our way

Lead us to the place, guide us with your grace

To a place where we'll be safe.

I pray we'll find your light

and hold it in our hearts, when stars go out each night.

When shadows fill our day

Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace

Give us faith so we'll be safe

We dream a world without violence

a world of justice and faith.

Everyone gives the hand to his neighbours

Symbol of peace, of fraternity

We ask that life be kind

and watch us from above

We hope each soul will find

another soul to love

The force he gives us

We ask that life be kind

and watch us from abve

everyone finds love

Let this be our prayer,

just like eery child

Needs to find a place,

guide us with your grace

Give us faith so we'll be safe.

It's the faith

you light in us

I feel it will save us.......

Mom Treasure Your Memories May 10, 2010



Children are a gift from the Lord.

You want the best for your children--long, happy lives;

spirtual growth; and fulfillment. But every day is a

gift from God. Even in your loss, it's good to be

thankful for the time you did have together.

After prayer today, spend time thinking about

joyous and humorous times you had with your child.

Lord of heaven, calm my heat and help me to

remember right now the precious memories I can

learn from, grow from, and treasure in my heart daily.


Mom Mother's Day without my Son May 8, 2010
This will be my first Mother's Day without my son. I don't want it to be here, at least not yet. Don't know how I'll take it. Maybe it will be an awesome day or maybe it will be a sad day. As it approaches, I keep thinking about previous gatherings we used to do. Either his place or our place. The kids would have a blast. They would go swimming, ride bikes or just take long walks around the ranch with me. He would take us riding in the back of his truck and go all around the ranch.  The kids would want to stop and pick up rocks or just plain old sticks to play. We would look around for animal tracks and try to figure out which one was which. We would have   a lot of fun. But now, who will take his place? It's just us without him. I don't want that day to come. Don't know what to do. I know my daughters will be here and also his girls. But it just isn't the same anymore. and truthfully, I don't think it will ever be. I am contempt knowing he is in a better place and is watching us. Danny is ok. There is no doubt in my mind. I just miss him and need for my family to be the same as it used to be. Sure there were ups and downs but, thats life. That is what makes us a family. We all need each other. for better or for worst. We're family. And I Love All my family. There is nothing that will stop me from helping out when it comes to my family. My son knew that. He could count on us for most of everything. There was such a bond with him and his sister. Undiscribable. He was always there for her and she was always there for him. I would be the last one to find out afterwards. There was so much love for him .  His girls were his pride and joy. He loved them so. Now its our turn to pick up where he left. Abby and Alexandria will always have us to help out whenever they need something. The best part is that he left us someone to remember him and never forget him. I see his girls and it is if I see him.I thank the Lord for those two little girls he left us. Thank You my Lord. I wil continue to miss you my son and with hopes of one day we will see each other in heaven. Continue to guide us and protect us. Send us your angels to be close to us. I will never stop loving you and missing you..........
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Happy Mothers Day May 6, 2010


Grandma Susie Abby's 1st B-Day Without Daddy May 6, 2010




Wishing you a day filled with sunshine and surprises. My love for you is very special. My wish for you today is for your Daddy to pay you a visit in  a dream, that would be great. But, that's ok, wherever he is, he is watching over his favorite girls.

Danny is always in my heart, so he is never far away, right? There are days that I long for him and wished he was here. Abby, you know he would be with you if he could. I thank God for so many happy moments and memories of him I get to cherish....for now those memories make me cry because I wish he was here with his family, to keep on building more memories.

I go back to my daily routine and now tears roll down my cheeks, I cry and cry. How do people go on when half of their being is gone? A part of me left when Danny passed. I pray to the Lord to guide his girls through these moments. I do not want to end this on a sad note, because I know Danny is ok. I just miss him terribly, I am taking one day at a time and someday eventually I will be able to rememeber him without pain in my heart. I Love You.....

MOM DANNY May 5, 2010

The light of God surrounds me;

The love of God enfolds me;

The power of God protects me;

The presence of God watches over me;

Wherever I am, God is.

"God is with you wherever you go."---Joshua 1:9

     Life is not always easy, but God is always with me to help me along the way.

     As an adult, I know that letting go of a child is never easy. I feel a tug on the vital connection that has kept us close. I feel it is the hardest thing I have ever done. But this I know:  God is always with us. My loved ones  and I will never go through anything without the love and comfort of our Creator.


The spirit of God is a vital connection between my loved ones and me.


Danny, You are my other half. Even though you are not with me, never a day goes by that you are not in my  heart and in my soul. I Love You, baby.



Mom Keeping Your Mind in Jesus May 3, 2010


"Finally , brothers, whatever is true,

whatever is noble, whatever is right,

whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,

whatever is admirable - - if anything is excellent or

praiseworthy - - think about such things."

Holy God, today Your enabling, I will drive out unhealthly

thoughts and replace them with Philippians 4:8

thoughts. Amen.

Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Sweet Dreams Angel May 1, 2010

Mom For Danny May 1, 2010

Holy Spirit, fill me; move through me;

intercede with the father for me;

open my ears and quiet my heart to hear You today.

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

Mom Danny April 30, 2010
"So we do not lose heart,
Though our outer
nature is wasting away,
our inner nature is being renewed
every day ... because we look
not to the things that are seen
but to the things that are
unseen;  for the things that are seen
are transient, but the things
that are unseen are eternal."
                                                        2 Corinthians 4:16,18
Mom Danny April 30, 2010
   "Life, long or short,
Is a journey towards Paradise;
There is our fatherland,
There is our real home;
There is our appointment!
Jesus i waiting for us
In Paradise!
Never forget this supreme
And consoling truth."
                                                  Pope John Paul II             
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Sending Love to You in Heaven Danny April 28, 2010


Rebecca We Love You April 28, 2010

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