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Always in my Heart GRIEFSHARE July 25, 2011
Experiencing Closure
Day 236

By now you have recognized that everyone grieves in different ways and for different amounts of time. Closure is also an individual experience. Closure in grief is when a particular struggle, emotion, or problem either ends or gets to a place where you are free to move on from it.

For some people closure occurs over a long period of time. For others, it occurs at specific moments. Closure can come through the words or comfort of another person, an important memory, a letter, a graveside visit, a Scripture, a new understanding, financial help, or a service to another. God will provide a healing closure for you, and He will bless you in that closure. Pray for closure and look for it.

In this biblical account, God blessed the widow with financial provision and by enabling her to keep her sons at home when she feared she could not.

"My husband is dead, and you know that he revered the Lord. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves." Elisha replied to her, "How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?" "Your servant has nothing there at all," she said, "except a little oil." Elisha said, "Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don't ask for just a few. Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side."

She left him and afterward shut the door behind her and her sons. They brought the jars to her and she kept pouring. When all the jars were full, she said to her son, "Bring me another one." But he replied, "There is not a jar left." Then the oil stopped flowing. (2 Kings 4:1-6)

This financial provision was enough to pay off all her debts and to bring an end to the desperate economic crisis that her husband's death introduced.

God will help you to find closure for the many struggles you face in grief. Keep in mind, though, that God provides for each person in different ways. He will meet your needs in His time and by His perfect plan.

Holy Spirit, bring me to the point of closure and peace so that I can think of my loved one with a smile on my face and reassurance in my heart. Amen
Always in my Heart July 16, 2011
‎"Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you until we meet again!" - Anonymous
The song is called Hurt and it's by the very talented 8 year old singer Rhema Marvanne. She sings it for her mother who passed away from cancer in 2008. It'll move you in the most touching way. Please watch and share.
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Heaven's Side July 13, 2011
Always in my Heart Good Grief July 12, 2011

'A Season of Grief' from GriefShare
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Good Grief
Day 225

Good grief is accepting the fact that your loved one has died, accepting the sorrow and pain, and knowing there is more to come. Good grief is getting through the days, the months, and, eventually, through the years.

Dr. Erwin Lutzer says, "There was a young woman who saw me for counsel. She was madly in love with her husband, and he died unexpectedly. She was contemplating suicide. She said, 'I simply cannot live. I want to die, and I want to be with him. That's all that I care about.' So I explained to her that what she needed to do was to get through the first year. I promised her that the sun would shine again.

"She saw me several months later, and she said, 'You know, the sun is beginning to shine. I have now discovered I can make it without him.' And she's on her way. Grief takes time but you will find it gets better, and you must recognize that it is a period of transition to a brand-new kind of life for you."

Your life will never be the same again, but you will get through the grief. The grieving process is a transition into your new life.

"He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age" (Ruth 4:15).

Lord, I did not want a new life. I liked my old one just fine, but I understand that going back is not an option. Therefore, Lord, I will move forward. Teach me to seek You and embrace You and grow in this new life. Amen.

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Always in my Heart GUARDIAN ANGEL July 11, 2011


God Calling

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Guardian Angels

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You are Mine. Once I have set on you My stamp and seal of ownership all My Hosts throng to serve and protect you.

Remember that you are daughters of a King.

Try to picture a bodyguard of My servitors in the Unseen waiting, longing, efficient, to do all that is necessary for your well-being.

Feel this as you go through the day. Feel this and all is well.

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14


Barbara Cave Always on my Mind xoxoxo July 11, 2011
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~ Happy 4th of July ~ Be Safe July 2, 2011
Always in my Heart My Daily Prayer Book July 1, 2011
~ Friday ~

Doing Your Will

Teach us to be generous,
good Lord;
Teach us to serve you
as You deserve;
To give and not to
count the cost,
To fight and not
to heed the wounds,
To toll and not to seek for rest,
To labor and not
to ask for any reward
Save that of knowing we do
You will.


St. Ignacius Loyola

I Will Always Love You Danny ...
I Will Always Miss You Danny ...
Always Will ...
mom~Shane Ramirez Wishing you a Safe and Happy 4TH July 1, 2011
Always in my Heart My Daily Prayer Book June 30, 2011

Leading The Way

Lord, inspire us today with the
qualities of good leadership.
Give us insight to make wise
decisions, integrity to face the
truth, courage to make
difficult choices and compas-
sion for the needs of others.
Make us a model of justice and
honor to the world, and let us
never forget that our job is to
serve, both You and others.


Contemporary Prayer

I Will Always Love You Danny ...
I Will Always Miss You Danny ...
Always Will ...
Always in my Heart My Daily Prayer Book June 29, 2011

Finding the Strength

O, mighty Lord, I pray that You
will be my shield as I do battle
against ignorance, cruelty and
injustice. Through Your
unending love, I pray that You
will grant me goodness and
steadfastness, so that I might
lead others to do Your will and
glorify Your name.


Contemporary Prayer
I Will Alway Love You Danny ...
I will Always Miss You Danny ...
Always will ...

Always in my Heart My Daily prayer Book June 28, 2011
Feeling Compassion

Jesus, may the contemplation
of Your sufferings move me
with the greatest compassion,
make me hate my sins, and
kindle in my heart a more fer-
vent love for you ... My beloved
Jesus, grant that I may never
cease to love You, and do with
me as You will.


Prayer said during
the Station of the Cross

I will always Love You Danny ...
I will always Miss You Danny ...
Always will ...
Always in my Heart My Daily prayer Book June 28, 2011
~ Monday ~
Keeping the Faith

I bind myself
God's power to guide me.
God's might to upholdme.
God's wisdom to teach me.
God's eye to watch over me.
Gods ear to hear me.
God word to give me speech,
God's hand to guide me.
God's way to lie before me.
God's shield to shelter me.
God's host to secure me.


From: ST. Patrick's Lorica

I will always love you Danny ...
I will always miss you Danny ...
Always will ......

Always in my Heart My Daily Prayer Book June 27, 2011
Achieving Peace

Lord, make me an
instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred,
let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
and whre there is
sadness, joy.


From: St. Francis' Prayer
I Love You Danny...
I Miss You Danny ...
Always will ...
Always in my Heart Just a Memory Away June 19, 2011


I'm no longer by you side,
but there's no need to weep,
I've left sweet recollections
I'm hoping you will keep.

Eternal joy and memories
stay in our hearts forever,
Strenthening our special bond
that parting cannot sever.

Now its time to journey on,
so let your faith be strong,
For I am in a better place ...
I'm home where I belong.

And if times of loneliness
bring sorrow and dismay,
Don't despair, for I am there ...


I Love You, Danny
I Miss You, Danny
I always will ...

Kiti n Rene love June 19, 2011
Kiti n Rene love June 19, 2011
Kiti n Rene love June 19, 2011
Always in my Heart God's Calling June 14, 2011
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Face Today With Me

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Our Lord and our God. Make us all Thou wouldst have us.

It is not circumstances that need altering first, but yourselves, and then the conditions will naturally alter. Spare no effort to become all I would have you. Follow every leading. I am your only Guide.

Endeavor to put from you every thought of trouble. Take each day, and with no backward look, face the day's problem with Me, and seek My Help and guidance as to what you can do.

Never look back and never leave until the morrow that on which you can get My Guidance for today.

Lead me in thy truth, and teach me; for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day. Psalm 25:5

I Love You, Danny,
I Miss You, Danny,
Always will ...


Always in my Heart I am with you Always June 13, 2011

I am with you Always

As you hold me close in memory,
even though we are apart,
my spirit will live on,
there within your heart ...
I am with you always

When you lean-on trusted friends
and their caring hugs, enfold you,
within their loving arms,
I'll be there to hold you ...
I am with you always

And beyond the far horizon
when we'll finally be together,
where love will be eternal
and life will last forever ...
I am with you always

I love you, Danny
I miss you, Danny
always will ...
Always in my Heart I'm There Inside Your HEART June 12, 2011
I'm There Inside Your

Right now I'm in a different place.
And though we seem apart,
I'm closer than I ever was ...
I'm there inside your heart.

I'm with you when you greet each day
And while the sun shines bright,
I'm there to share the sunsets, too ...
I'm with you every night.

I'm with you when the times are good,
To share a laugh or two,
And if a tear should start to fall ...
I'll still be there for you.

And when that day arrives
That we no longer are apart,
I'll smile and hold you close to me ...
Forever in my heart.

I Love You, Danny
I miss You, Danny
Always will....
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY ANGEL PATRICK June 6, 2011



Life stands still and aches with memories.

Memories that aches so deeply of a precious life cut too short.

My son Patrick who left me behind to grieve

a loss that has no words, no definition,

no explanation, no concept.

I am left only with sorrowful feelings that linger deep

within my wounded soul reminding me to hold on to those

bittersweet memories.

These memories which came from a life that I love

so dearly and treasure.

God, help me to keep those powerful memories

because today I cherish them more than my own existence,

for it is my memories of my son Patrick, who is my life and

my light until the end.


Dedicated to my son Patrick Christian Barbosa

Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Memorial Day Blessings! May 30, 2011
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~ Susie Thinking of You & Keeping You in my Prayers May 22, 2011

((((Susie))))  Keeping you and your family in my thoughts & prayers and I pray for justice for your handsome Daniel.  God Bless.  (((((Susie)))))
Mom Psalm 23: 1-3 May 20, 2011


"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake." - Psalm 23:1-3

Always in my Heart PRAYER OF HOPE TO sT, jUDE May 18, 2011


LostMom to Patrick Barbosa HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY FROM MY FAMILY TO YOURS May 8, 2011
Colleen Carroll Happy Mother's Day! May 6, 2011
Colleen Carroll Hugs! May 5, 2011
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Easter Blessings! April 22, 2011
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